
Nossa Senhora da Purificação (Oeiras)

Nossa Senhora da Purificação (Oeiras)

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The main church dedicated to Our Lady of Purification, began to be built in 1702, and was inaugurated in 1744. The interior of the church has some elements that stand out for their great beauty. This is the case of the baptismal font, the work of the master Matias Duarte. The lavatory of the sacristy is another of the elements to emphasize, emphasizing also the pulpits, of perfection and impressive traces. Particular attention should also be paid to the paintings that adorn the main church.

Above the church altars are ten paintings with remarkable moments of the life of the Virgin. These paintings are authored by António Rebelo de Andrade, as well as the eight panels that also decorate these altars. At the top, above the cruise archway, stands the central painting allusive to Our Lady of Purification. The church still has a beautiful organ (in the choir).

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