
Santíssimo Coração de Jesus (Basílica da Estrela)

Santíssimo Coração de Jesus (Basílica da Estrela)

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The basilica of the ancient Convent of the Discalced Carmelite was built by initiative of Queen Maria I in fulfilment of a promise. Devoted to the Sacred Heart of Jesus in 1789, the basilica was the first church with this invocation worldwide. It is a master piece of the Portuguese late Baroque, already including Neoclassical elements, and has a remarkable monumentality from the exterior, with its façade topped by the pediment, the two bell towers and the pronounced dome with the respective pinnacle, until its interior, with the polychrome marbles, the woods from Brazil, the paintings by Pompeo Batoni, Pedro Alexandrino and Cirilo Volkmar Machado, among others, the sculptures and the nativity (the biggest Portuguese nativity, with approximately 500 figures) by Machado de Castro, and the tombs of Queen Maria I and of her confessor.

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