
Santo Agostinho

Santo Agostinho

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This church belonged to the Convent of Our Lady of the Conception of Marvila, of the Order of Saint Brigid, which had been founded in 1660 by nuns coming from the extinguished Convent of Mocambo. In 1959, the church became the seat of the parish created at that time under the invocation of Saint Augustine. The whole interior of the church is an example of the rich national Baroque decorative style, combining white and blue figurative tile panels and the great profusion of gilded wood carving, which can be found in the altarpieces of the chapels, with special emphasis to the chancel’s altarpiece, as well as in the framings of the paintings and in the pulpit. Other highlights are the painting in brutesco of the ceiling of the lower choir to the marble inlays of the pavement and of the chancel.

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