
São Francisco de Paula

São Francisco de Paula

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This church belonged to the hospice founded in 1719, later a Convent of the Order of the Minors in 1753. The Queen Maria Victoria, whose coat of arms is integrated in the frontage and in the gallery (high-choir), and whose tomb, by Machado de Castro, is in the chancel, was the main sponsor of this temple with a majestic façade and an interesting interior double staircase, in a porch style. Other than these elements, the painted and gilded ceiling of the nave, with Saint Michael in the centre medallion, by Inácio Oliveira Bernardes, the altarpiece of calcareous stonework in the chancel, the paintings of the side-aisle altars, by authors like Vieira Lusitano and Oliveira Bernardes, and the marble inlays of the chapel of the Holy Sacrament should also be highlighted.

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