
Urn of Repose for the Blessed Sacrament

Urn of Repose for the Blessed Sacrament

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Urn of repose for the Blessed Sacrament

Manuel Roque Ferrão (goldsmith)

Portugal (Lisbon), 1759


70,8 x 95 x 58,2 cm

Lisbon, Patriarchal Cathedral – inv. PT/PL/250-01/OUR003

A urn of repose is a type of liturgical object with a very strict and specific use: it is intended for the reservation and adoration of the Most Blessed Sacrament between Holy Thursday and Good Friday. This particular specimen belongs to the Treasure of the Patriarchal Cathedral and is one of the most luxuriant examples known in Portugal. It was crafted by one of the most important and productive Portuguese goldsmiths of the 18th century.

The quality of the its design and of its technical workmanship as well as its uncommon dimensions make of the Urn of Repose of Lisbon’s Patriarchal Cathedral one of the most i See more


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